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Henry G. Brinton and Yena K. Hwang, October 23 2020

Stewardship survey, Advent devotions, and staff transitions: October 23, 2020

Dear FPC Members and Friends,

We hope you are staying well as we continue to navigate this pandemic as individuals, as families, and as a congregation. Thank you for your commitment to the ministry and mission of the church, and your faithfulness to online worship and Christian Formation. We want to bring you up to date on a few important items:

1. Worship. We are all anxious to gather in the Sanctuary for worship, but sadly the current pandemic infection numbers do not allow us to do this safely. At their October meeting, the elders decided to continue with online worship services through the end of the calendar year 2020. But since we want to gather and see each other, we are planning limited worship services outside, including a Reformation Sunday service on the Glebe this Sunday, Oct 25, at 11:15 am. We will also dress warmly and have two gathered Christmas Eve services on the Glebe, with candlelight and caroling, in addition to the online services. We will also have a socially-distanced in-person Longest Night service on Dec. 21 in the sanctuary. Stay tuned for details.

2. Stewardship Survey. The pandemic interrupted our spring Stewardship Campaign, and not all church members had the opportunity to submit pledge cards in support of the current fiscal year, which began on July 1. We know that the current economic uncertainty makes it difficult for some of you to make a pledge commitment, but we do need to hear from everyone about how they plan to support the ministry and mission of the church in the months to come. For this reason, the Stewardship and Finance Ministry invites you to complete the Stewardship Survey below, which will enable them to craft a responsible church budget.

3. Advent Devotions. On November 29, we will begin the Season of Advent, a period of 26 days which will prepare us for the coming of Christ at Christmas. We will post on the FPC website a series of daily Advent Devotions focused on "Signs of Light." Members of FPC will be the writers! Click for details. https://fairfaxpresbyterian.org/blog/advent1

4. New Banner Deadline: November 1, 2020. FPC members, especially children and youths, are invited to help us design a New Banner for this Moment and Beyond! FPC stands on the conviction that all people have been made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27), and we are looking for a banner to represent this core belief. See here for details: https://fairfaxpresbyterian.org/fpc/banner#Banner%20Details

5. Love Gift for Boyd Harrison. Our church administrator Boyd has served us faithfully and well for eight years, and is leaving his position Oct 31 to focus on family and his Chubby Squirrel business. We are grateful for all he has done in the areas of hospitality, financial management and business administration. If you would like to show your appreciation through a contribution to a Love Gift, write a check to FPC with "Harrison Love Gift" in the memo line, and make your contribution between Nov 1 and 30. We will recognize Boyd in an online service in December.

6. New Church Administrator. We are excited to announce that Boyd's successor will be Tamika Martin, who will begin her work in this part-time position on October 26. Tamika has a degree from George Mason in economics, and has done record-keeping for Prince William County, along with payroll. She is a bubbly and friendly person who looks forward to interacting with church members and guests in the church office, as well as focusing on financial management and building use. As the keeper of contribution records, she will maintain strict confidentiality. Tamika excels at management, has studied accounting, has a high level of computer proficiency, and has skills in marketing and digital outreach that may prove to be very beneficial to our church. Please give Tamika a warm welcome to FPC!

7. Thanksgiving Sunday with our Turkish Muslim Neighbors. The pandemic prevents us from gathering for an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service this year, but our Turkish Muslim neighbors do want to meet with us outdoors in a safe and socially distanced way. Mark your calendar for Sunday, November 22, at 11:15 am, and stay tuned for details!

As always, we are grateful for the many ways that you support Christ's work at FPC in these challenging times.

In hope, health and peace,

Henry G. Brinton & Yena K. Hwang

Written by

Henry G. Brinton and Yena K. Hwang


Previous Advent Devotions
Next Advent Devotion: 1 Corinthians 1:3–9