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2024-2025 Stewardship Campaign



Wise, Generous & Joyful Giving Campaign

Our 2024-2025 Generosity Campaign begins January 7, 2024, the Sunday called “Epiphany of the Lord.”  The word epiphany means “appearance,” and our worship focus will be on Jesus appearing to the Magi, also known as the “wise men.”  The four Sundays that follow will be the season of Epiphany, and you will hear church members give personal minutes on generosity and discipleship, wise generosity, generous giving, and joyful generosity.  What difference does your pledge make?  When the pandemic hit in the spring of 2020, our church made a quick pivot to online worship.  For a number of months, our services were recorded and broadcast via YouTube, providing inspiration to our members and others who were trapped in their homes.  Then, thanks to volunteer effort and the generosity of church members, we were able to move to live-streamed worship services.  When we began to gather again in the spring of 2021, our live-streaming remained a critical link for those unable to worship in person.  We could not have purchased new technology or supported professional church staff during a global pandemic, without the pledges of our faithful church members. Your giving remains critical to the mission and ministry of the church, as we continue to rebuild after the pandemic and expand our church activities.  In the pew racks are a pledge card for you to use to participate in the “Wise, Generous & Joyful Giving” Campaign. Between January 7 and February 11, please make your pledge and place the card in the offering plate or send it to the church office.  You can also make a pledge on the church website: fairfaxpresby.breezechms.com/form/2024-2025-pledge

We will welcome pledges throughout this season, and you will hear updates on our progress throughout the season of Epiphany.  So, why should you make a pledge? You know the story of the visit of the Magi to Bethlehem, and the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that they gave to the baby Jesus (Matthew 2:11).  In the spirit of the Magi, our pledges are more than just donations; they are expressions of our faith and commitment to God’s work.  Wise like the Magi in their journey, our pledges enable the church to make informed decisions for impactful ministry.  Generous as shown through their meaningful gifts, our contributions help sustain and grow our various mission projects.  And, like the Magi, we give joyfully, embracing the overwhelming joy found in the presence of Jesus.   Let this season of Epiphany be a reminder of our joyful journey in faith, where each pledge is a step towards a future filled with hope and grace.  We will dedicate these pledges on February 11, the Sunday of Transfiguration, marking a renewed commitment to our spiritual and communal growth.  Your pledge is more than just a gift; it’s a reflection of our journey with Christ, echoing the Magi’s journey of faith, wisdom, and joy. God has multiplied what was given to us and to all who have come before us, and our giving today is a reflection of this profound truth.  Like the Magi, we are people on a journey, walking into an unknown future, using both our hearts and our minds to find our way.  Make your first step a pledge to the church.

Priscila Funes and Joseph Denton, Elders of the Stewardship and Finance Ministry


Pledge Online