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The FPC Member Connections Ministry (MCM) seeks to foster engagement at all levels across the church by providing a range of opportunities and activities to encourage relationships between new and current members, as well as our neighbors. Through this engagement, we aim to nurture our lives of faith and extend hospitality and grace to all people.

Member Connections is overseen by our Member Connections Ministry elders. This year, our MCM elders are Susan Mangin and Chris Lawrence. To discuss MCM matters, please reach out to them at memberconnections@fairfaxpresby.com

Returning March 2025

"Together" Small Groups

Here at Fairfax Presbyterian, we deeply value gathering in small groups across different activities, in different places, at different times during the week, with different people. Here’s why: we believe God is deeply present with us as we gather for worship and as we walk out of the church doors into the rest of our week. Getting connected with a small group is one of the most tangible ways we grow in our faith and in community outside of worship. Learn more or sign up for any of our groups below.

Hiking Group

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Board Game Group

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Sip & Savor Group

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Young Adults Group

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"Bowling Together" Book Group

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Grief Support Group

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Basic Bible

Contact: Henry Brinton

We are studying the texts that are the basis of the Sunday sermon. All are welcome; no Bible experience required! Class is held in Room 110 and via Zoom on Fridays at 11:00 AM. Contact Henry for the Zoom link.

Cycling Enthusiasts

Contacts: Henry Brinton, Charles Speer, Mike Watson

FPC members who enjoy cycling participate in two big rides each year: one in the fall and one in the spring. Let's ride together!

Megan's Bears

Contacts: Karen Sparacino and Nancy Sprinkel

Since 2005, bears have been sitting in the pews of our sanctuary. Their purpose has been to bring comfort to those in need, whether from grief, illness, worry, or perhaps simple aloneness. Sometimes the comfort has been immediate, with a congregant holding the cuddly creature during a worship service. More common has been someone knowing of another’s need and delivering a bear to that person as a gesture of Christian concern and love. FPC bears have touched the lives of many, as evidenced by the notes of thanks our church has received from grateful recipients of the bears. The ministry is named for Megan Lyons, founder of the bear program at FPC.

Men's Breakfast

Contact: Mike Watson

Our Presbyterian Men's meeting occurs on the first Saturday of the month with breakfast and a guest speaker. Check the bulletin for details about each month's offerings. Coffee and juice will be ready a little past 7:00, with breakfast ready for all at 8:00. Come early to meet (or help) our kitchen crew—many hands make work light. There's a nominal charge to cover the cost of our morning meals. The men host, but all are invited; bring a friend and join us! You can also join online, contact Mike Watson for the link.

Our primary mission outreach is in supporting the Lamb Center in Fairfax, VA, both financially and through volunteering at the center. We also perform special repair projects at FPC and at the homes of members needing our service.

Parlor Book Club

Contact: Marilyn Cromartie

Join us for a year of great reading and fellowship! The Parlor Book Club has been meeting for 17 years at FPC. We select nine books in June from member’s nominations to read from September–May (not meeting in December). Discussion leadership is shared between members. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 1:00–2:30; currently we’re meeting virtually on Zoom, but we look forward to returning to the Parlor in the future.

Fall dates and books:

Presbyterian Women

Contact: Ednamae Trevey

All women who attend FPC are Presbyterian Women!

The purposes of Presbyterian Women USA are:

  • to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
  • to support the mission of the church worldwide,
  • to work for justice and peace, and
  • to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

Please join us for social time and Bible study using the PW Horizon Bible Study. Each of the four active circles is open to new members, who can come as they are able. There are also many events outside of regular circle meetings that are open to all. Some of our PW circles have changed their meeting times and locations due to COVID; please contact your PW circle leader to confirm meeting details.

Mary Circle meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm for social time, with Bible Study beginning at 7:30 pm. Twice a year we have a special gathering at a member’s home. Circle representative is Sarah Speer.

Sarah Circle meets the first Thursday of each month in the Gathering Room at church, from Noon until 2:00 pm. Twice a year there is a special Pot-Luck Salad Lunch at a member’s home. Circle representative is Heidi Whitesel.

Martha Circle meets the third Wednesday of each month in the Gathering Room at church, from noon until 2:00 pm. Circle representatives are Mary Yee and Ann Koch.

Esther Circle meets the third Thursday of each month in the Parlor at church, at 9:30 am for social time, and Bible Study beginning at 10:00 am. Circle representative is Ednamae Trevey.

Thursday Morning Book Group

Contact: Henry Brinton

We meet in the mornings on one Thursday per month in Room 110 and on Zoom. We typically read nonfiction; check the announcements for current selections. All are welcome to join the discussion!