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During the COVID-19 pandemic, Pastor Henry Brinton began writing "Scripture Studies" as a way for the congregation to connect and stay involved. The following studies have been published to our blog:

Scripture Study

Summer Study 35: Daily Wisdom

July 30 Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Everything Has Its Time How have you experienced God in both joy and sorrow?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 34: Daily Wisdom

July 29 2 Peter 1:19-21 Led by the Holy Spirit What prophetic word has revealed an important truth to you?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 33: Daily Wisdom

July 28 Daniel 2:20-22 Our Wise and Sovereign God When have you trusted God’s power in a difficult time?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 32: Daily Wisdom

July 27 John 16:13-15 The Spirit Guide When have you relied on the guidance of the Holy Spirit?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 31: Daily Wisdom

July 26 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Becoming One Flesh What is the secret to enduring marriages?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 30: Daily Wisdom

July 25 Psalm 39:4-9 Admiring God What are the dangers of focusing too much on yourself?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 29: Daily Wisdom

July 24 Matthew 6:25-34 Expectations Cause Suffering How do you separate what you want from what you need?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 28: Daily Wisdom

July 23 1 Corinthians 1:10-25 Unity at the Table What action have you taken to build bridges in the church?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 27: Daily Wisdom

July 22 1 Peter 2:9-10 God’s Own Possession How have you benefited from the support of people around you?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 26: Daily Wisdom

July 21 2 Timothy 1:8-10 Prevenient Grace When did you first experience the enabling grace of God?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 25: Daily Wisdom

July 20 Proverbs 19:20-23 Seek the Lord’s Purpose If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 24: Daily Wisdom

July 19 2 Peter 1:3-11 Trusting God’s Abundance When have you put a God-given gift into action?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 23: Daily Wisdom

July 18 Matthew 4:19-22 A Good Disciple Is One Who Leaves When have you followed Jesus in a new direction?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 22: Daily Wisdom

July 17 Genesis 12:1-4 Ultramarathon Faith What enables you to trust and follow God?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 21: Daily Wisdom

July 16 James 3:13-18 Wisdom From Above When have you looked at the world through a heavenly lens?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 20: Daily Wisdom

July 15 Job 28:20-28 Hidden Wisdom How do you know real wisdom when you see it?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 19: Daily Wisdom

July 14 Job 28:12-19 Looking for Understanding Where can wisdom be found in the world today?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 18: Daily Wisdom

July 13 Colossians 2:8-10 Christ, the Head of the Body When have you faced a battle alone?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 17: Daily Wisdom

July 12 Romans 12:1-2 Be Transformed, Not Conformed When have you been changed by God?

Scripture Study

Summer Study 16: Daily Wisdom

July 11 Jeremiah 9:23-24 Boast in the Lord Where have you found your confidence to be misplaced?