Dear FPC Members and Friends,
I was thrilled to watch the children process in worship on Palm Sunday, waving their palm branches as we sang “All Glory, Laud and Honor.” First time since 2019! Then the Sanctuary Choir offered a beautiful Sermon in Music called “The Springtime of Our Souls.” Near the end of the service, we dedicated many pledges to the church, in support of FPC’s ministry and mission beginning July 1, 2022. All of these are signs of our Homecoming, as we return to church after the pandemic.
If you have made a pledge for fiscal year 2022-2023, thank you. If you have not, please click this link now and make your pledge:
You can also contact Church Administrator Michelle Coon at 703-273-5300 or to give your pledge to the church office instead of using the form. Either way, your commitment is confidential.
If your circumstances do not allow you to pledge, please fill out the form as a sign of your intentions for giving. The amount can easily be adjusted as your circumstances change. Hearing from every member of FPC is important to our elders as they seek to formulate a responsible budget for the new year.
The church needs your support as we move toward the formation of an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee, to search for a successor to the Rev. Yena Hwang. We want her important work to continue, especially in the areas of worship leadership, pastoral care, and Christian Formation for members of all ages. In addition, our Homecoming is creating a demand for more resources in the areas of Property Management, Member Connections, and Mission Outreach. We need to hear from everyone.
I look forward to seeing many of you in worship as we move through Holy Week together. Please come to any or all of these services, or join them online:
April 14 — Maundy Thursday Service at 7:30 pm, with the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
April 15 — Good Friday Service at 7:30 pm, with a dramatic reading and choral music
April 17 — Identical Easter Sunday Services at 8:45 am and 11:15 am, with Easter brass, Sanctuary Choir, and my sermon, “Run, Mary, Run!” (we will not have an Easter Pilgrimage this year at 6:30 am)
Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross, and then rose to glorious new life. In this spirit of giving, please make your pledge in support of the new life that God has in store for all of us at FPC.
Best wishes,
Henry G. Brinton
Yena K. Hwang
Dear members of FPC,
For the past nine years, I have served you faithfully to reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and uphold the values of FPC as expressed in the FPC’s Vision and Mission Statement. In my primary call to teach, preach, and care for the congregation, I have incorporated “joy, and imagination” into our worship services, specifically through designing and implementing Creative Worship services. I have created opportunities to nurture our lives of faith in Christ by curating strong Christian Formation programs. In addition to my office door, I have opened my home and family to extend hospitality to members. I have provided many pastoral visits and counseling sessions to help members identify their brokenness, so that they can move towards reconciliation.
In return, you have opened yourselves, welcomed my preaching, teaching, and pastoral counseling. When I brought up to the surface the difficult issues of racism, heterosexism, and other -isms in our lives, you rose up to the challenge and stayed in those uncomfortable spaces to expand and integrate faith into everyday issues. You have been open and receptive in those uncomfortable spaces. You braved and explored how we might move forward to embrace and practice the expansiveness of God’s love.
However, bringing up these issues to the surface also brought scrutiny and criticism my way. While a certain level of constructive criticism and disagreement is expected in ministry, I feel that the level and intensity of these criticisms has increased to an unhealthy level. I also feel that some comments and responses have crossed the boundary of appropriate criticism into the area of abusive attacks. Perhaps, the collective stress we faced during the past two years has contributed to the way we deal with disagreements over difficult topics.
Regardless, I have underestimated the cumulative negative effect of those dissenters’ attacks over the years. They have caused harm to my spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. I am drained of the energy necessary to serve this congregation with imagination and joy. Therefore, I have decided to resign from my position as Associate Pastor of Christian Formation, before I reach the level of not being able to embrace all people of our congregation with openness and love.
My last Sunday will be March 20, 2022, and I will preach. Immediately following the 11:15 am worship service, there will be a congregational meeting to officially dissolve my terms of call here at Fairfax Presbyterian Church, as required by the Presbytery.
I have truly enjoyed being your pastor here at FPC. You have been a great teacher to me. I have received much love, care, and support through all the ups and downs of our shared life together. I trust that the Holy Spirit will guide and lead our paths as we journey into the unknown, yet exciting, future.
In Grace and Peace,
Yena K. Hwang
January 9th was to mark the return to two worship services, at 8:45 and 11:15 AM, with a Christian Formation Education Hour at 10:00 AM between the two services. However, due to the fact that Covid cases are rising exponentially in Fairfax County and rising steadily in Fairfax City, the Session has authorized the following changes to the Sunday worship schedule and increased safety restrictions for the month of January 2022:
Session will reevaluate the ongoing Covid conditions in its Stated Meeting on January 18, 2022 and determine if the above changes will need to be extended into February.
We invite all who are comfortable to join us in-person at 10:00 AM for Christian Formation (check the bulletin for current offerings) and at 11:15 AM for worship. We will also continue to offer virtual worship at 11:15 AM; please feel free to worship from home via our online services. Visit the live-stream page of our website to find the audio stream and YouTube video stream.
September 10, 2021
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
In June, I wrote you a pastoral letter about the resignation of our organist Grace Cho, and the arrival of Dr. Mickey Terry. Many of you have had an opportunity to hear Mickey, either through in-person worship or through our live-streamed services on YouTube. You have discovered his talents and skills, and I know you are enjoying his work on the piano and organ. He is a tremendous colleague to all of us on the church staff, and we recently enjoyed spending a day together on our annual staff retreat.
On retreat, we developed a theme that we hope will be helpful to our congregation in the year to come: “Return and Rebuild.” As we come out of the pandemic, we will explore what it means to re-form ourselves as a community through reinventing, reinvesting, and regenerating our church. When we return for worship, education, fellowship, and service projects, we will rebuild our church in ways that restore our relationships with God and with each other, and that rejuvenate us as a congregation.
Speaking of returning, I am so happy that Yena Hwang has returned from sabbatical feeling refreshed and renewed from her well-deserved time of rest. And I was so impressed by the work that Erin Sanzero did in Yena’s absence, serving as our Director of Christian Formation. She was an outstanding coordinator of Sunday Express, strong leader of worship, and powerful preacher on Sept 5! Thank you, Erin!
As a first step in a year of returning and rebuilding, Yena and Erin want to invite you to our FPC Fall Kickoff Picnic on Sunday, Sept 12! Please join us after the 9:30 am single service worship to hang out on the Glebe and share light refreshments and lawn games prepared by the Christian Formation Ministry and Member Connections Ministry. We will be COVID-cautious, therefore, masked and socially distanced. If you're willing and able, please sign up to help supply some Covid-cautious fare for our gathering:
Then, on Sunday, Sept 19, we will begin our Christian Formation program with Sunday Express. Children will be dismissed after the Conversation with Children each Sunday during our single 9:30 am service of worship or can come to Fellowship at 10am (stay tuned for possible changes in the worship schedule as pandemic conditions improve). On Sundays at 11 am, I will offer a class called “The Bible’s Greatest Hits: Top 66 Passages in 33 Weeks,” in Room 110 and also by zoom. On Sundays at 12:30 pm, Elder Ako Cromwell will offer “Contemporary Christian Concerns” at 12:30 pm. Call the church office at 703-273-5300 to request zoom links for either of these classes. At 4 pm, Tempest Brevard and the youth leaders launch Youth Fellowship for the year.
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held Sunday, September 26 at 10:30 am, following the single service of worship. We will elect church officers, receive the annual reports and church budget, vote on the pastors’ terms of call, and vote on a revision to the FPC Bylaws. If you cannot attend in person, email Yena Hwang for the registration link,
The FPC Bylaws have been in existence since January of 1958, but are still only in paper format. The revised version, which will be brought before the congregation in September, remains true to the original content but is now in digital format. This will allow for improved editing and updates in the future and easier distribution when needed. During the thorough review of bylaws that took place in converting them to a digital format, a few necessary changes were made in order to better comply with the PC(USA) Book of Order and some common practices that have been in effect over time. These changes are as follows: (1) All references to the Book of Order were made compliant with the most recent version of the Book of Order. (2) The quorums for Congregational meetings, Session meetings, and Board of Deacon meetings are now listed, but follow what has been common practice at FPC for many years. (3) The position of Treasurer is now addressed in detail. (4) The position of Parish Associate is now addressed in detail. (5) A vote of two-thirds of those present and voting at the September Congregational Meeting is required to approve this revised version of the bylaws. You may pick up a paper copy of the proposed revision of the FPC Bylaws in the narthex. A digital copy is available on the front page of our website.
Also, some personal news: In the next few months, I will be treated for prostate cancer, either by surgery or radiation. This was tough news for me to hear, but it was not completely surprising since the disease runs in my family. I am grateful for your love and support, and with God’s help I look forward to a good outcome. The church staff has rallied around me, and I know that they will advance the work of the church if I need to step away for a time. I will appreciate your prayers as we move forward together.
Best wishes,
Henry G. Brinton
June 18, 2021
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
NIH Director Francis Collins, a scientist and a Christian, recently said, “We asked God for help with COVID-19, and vaccines are the answer to that prayer.” He is absolutely right!
In response to the progress we are making as a nation and as a congregation, the session voted on Tuesday to take a step forward in relaxing some of the Covid restrictions now in place at FPC.
Beginning Sunday, June 20, 2021:
Fully vaccinated people will be allowed to make the choice to wear a mask or not in our services of worship and church activities.
We will sing out of our hymnals again, instead of having music printed in the bulletin.
We will invite members to donate fresh flowers to our services, along with other volunteer opportunities, using this link:
For the time being, however, we will continue to refrain from hand-shaking and hugging during the “passing of the peace,” and we will continue to receive the offering by having a single collection plate on the communion table.
People should continue to feel comfortable maintaining a social distance in church gatherings, and we ask everyone to respect those who choose to do so.
In addition, we may need to adjust these standards in the future, if conditions change.
If you have questions or concerns about these decisions, please call me at 703-273-5300 or email me at If you have not yet returned to gathered worship, I would love to hear about how you are doing, and what factors would bring you back.
I also want to inform you of an important staff transition in the life of our church. In May, the session received a letter from organist Grace Cho, saying that she would be resigning as organist of FPC this summer, because her family is planning to move to New York.
She wrote her letter with a heavy heart, saying, “FPC has been a great place to work but more importantly, I gained a family here. The community of FPC has been a source of guidance, inspiration, and comfort. I am truly sad to have to leave this amazing place but the distance between Fairfax, VA and New York City is too vast for me to make a weekly trip to continue to serve.
”Grace has served us faithfully and well since 2017, as an outstanding musician and also as a treasured member of the FPC staff team. We will miss her a great deal, but we send her forward with our full support. Grace’s last Sunday will be July 25, at which time we will say farewell and have a reception in her honor.
At the same time, I am delighted to report that session has hired a new organist, Dr. Mickey Terry. Mickey is currently on the faculty at Howard University and has years of experience and an excellent musical background. He will begin on Sunday, August 1.
Mickey served as the organist of Northeastern Presbyterian Church in Washington during his first years in the DC area. He writes, “My background includes service as an organist for the United Methodist, Baptist, and Episcopal Church; however, for the past 25 years, I have worked principally as a music director and organist in the Roman Catholic Church. … Currently, I serve as a full-time lecturer on the music faculty of Howard University. As a part of those duties, I also serve as a faculty accompanist and the accompanist for the Howard University Concert Choir.”
Mickey is a prize-winner in national and international organ competitions, and I invite you to see my article in the current Octagon for more details about his accomplishments. I know that our congregation will benefit greatly from his offerings on our pipe organ and piano.
I thank God for all of you, for the progress we have made over the past year, and for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Best wishes,
Henry G. Brinton
May 21, 2021
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
Over 2,500 years ago, Ezra the prophet led the exiled Israelites back to Israel. They rebuilt the temple, rekindled their religious fervor, and renewed their community.
Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus died on a cross. Three days later, the despairing disciples met a resurrected Jesus. Motivated by his resurrection, they gathered communities that shared their possessions to build the Church, the living body of Christ that taught and served as Jesus had done.
Over a year ago, COVID-19 took our world into exile. After a year of distanced ministry and mission, FPC is moving toward a new normal. We started by pitching a tent, a “tabernacle” for worship, and now we have moved worship into our “House of Prayer for All Peoples.”
Like the Israelites and disciples, FPC faces a time of rebuilding and renewing relationships. Our building is intact and improved (new HVAC and a planned refurbished kitchen), but the pandemic struck at the very roots of our FPC community. It sequestered us from each other—except for virtually zooming. The pandemic curtailed our programs of friendship and fellowship. The pandemic’s financial impact on members diminished our contributions, thus decreasing support for our people, programs, and mission.
The 2021–2022 Stewardship Campaign has been launched around the Scripture verse, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together… but encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:24–25). Tied to our transition to in-person worship, our 2021–2022 Stewardship Campaign is themed “Rebuilding Relationships.” Please prayerfully consider the importance of FPC’s worship, ministries, and mission to you as we reconnect with each other, our church building, and our community.
Your pledge is a faith-promise that demonstrates your commitment to God’s work through Fairfax Presbyterian Church—one that can be adjusted up or down as your circumstances change. There are several ways in which you can pledge, and we ask you to do so by Sunday, May 30:
1. You may use the pledge card received in our stewardship letter and either mail it to the church or place it in the offering plate during one of our worship services. If you did not receive one in the mail, pledge cards are available on the Communion table and on the table under the cross in the narthex.
2. You may complete a secure and confidential online pledge form.
3. You may contact the church administrator Michelle Coon by email,, or by phoning the church at
703-273-5300 to give your pledge directly and confidentially.
We face two challenges in the coming fiscal year. The first is to rebuild our relationships with our renewed in-person community augmented by new learnings from our virtual experience. All members are asked to explore and commit to ways of using their time and talents to rebuild relationships within FPC and in our community---not just upon the old foundations—but upon broadened and strengthened ones.
The second is to re-think the importance of FPC in our lives. All are called to pledge their support to FPC through giving. Increased giving will allow FPC to continue the programs and staffing to:
● teach our children and youth the Bible and values that they will carry throughout their lives;
● support our members who are in their twilight years;
● provide comfort for those who grieve or face crises;
● inspire us with spirit-moving sermons, prayers, and challenging leadership;
● lift us on the wings of angels through music;
● stimulate us with courses and studies of issues and policies facing our church and community;
● assure that our facilities are clean, welcoming, and appropriately warm or cool;
● care for the homeless, the disillusioned, the hungry, the medically needy, the imprisoned, and,
● enable and equip us to be disciples as Christ would have us to be.
For the Israelites and often the modern church, a tithe of 10 percent was the appropriate amount to give to God. However, the most appropriate measure is offered by Paul, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” May what you decide to give to FPC make you cheerful—whether it is one, five, ten percent or more.
With appreciation for your generosity and commitment,
The Revs. Henry G. Brinton and Yena Hwang Elders Scott Carlson and David Semendinger
April 23, 2021
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
Easter is always a celebration of the resurrection and a season of new life, but this year we are feeling these gifts of God in a powerful and personal way. So many good things are happening as we emerge from the pandemic!
On Easter Sunday, we began to gather for worship again! Thanks to the Worship Ministry and all of the volunteers that have made worship under the tent possible. Great joy is being felt by all who have been able to attend, as we begin to rebuild our relationships. Live-streaming of services continues to be offered for those who do not feel that it is safe for them to gather. Worship Ministry would also like to invite anyone who wants to worship in person, but prefers to remain in their car near the tent, to do so. You can roll down your window or listen to the service on your smartphone.
Earth Day Worship will be held under the tent at 8:45 and 11:15 am on April 25, and we will say Godspeed to Yena as she begins her sabbatical. Erin Sanzero will cover a number of Yena’s duties as temporary Director of Christian Formation. Guest preachers during the 3-month sabbatical period will include Ako Cromwell (May 30), Gary Sowers (Jun 20), Tara Spuhler McCabe (Jul 11) and Susan Wisseman (Aug 8).
On May 1, we will reopen the church building to groups both inside and outside FPC who would like to meet in the building. Social-distancing and mask-wearing will be required. You can make arrangements through the FPC website:
On Sunday, May 2, at 9:30 am, we will return to the Sanctuary for worship. A Service of Remembrance and Lamentation will be held for those lost to Covid-19. This will be the first of our single 9:30 services, which will continue through Labor Day. This early start to the summer schedule is Covid-related, and is not a permanent change to our annual schedule. The 9:30 service allows for full musical support, a manageable live-streaming schedule for the tech team, and a cleaner environment than would be possible with two services on Sunday morning.
We have also launched our 2021–2022 Stewardship Campaign around the Scripture verse, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together… but encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:24–25). Tied to this time of renewal in Easter and to the start of our transition to in-person worship, our 2021–2022 Stewardship Campaign is themed “Rebuilding Relationships.” Please prayerfully consider the importance of FPC’s worship, ministries, and mission to you over the last year of coronavirus and into the new year, as we reconnect with each other, our church building, and our community. You can make your pledge by submitting an online form at, by calling the church office, or by filling out a pledge card and placing it in the offering box at worship.
On May 9 at 9:30 am, we will have a dedication of the Children’s Worship Area called “The Prayground.” The beautiful furniture for this area was created by Brandon Cage and his fellow Boy Scouts as his Eagle Scout Service Project. Thank you, Brandon! We will also give Bibles to 3rd graders.
And on May 16, we will participate in the Fairfax Interfaith Friendship Walk, 2 pm to 5 pm, from Fairfax Methodist Church to Christ Lutheran Church. The theme will be “Renewed Hope.”Please participate as you are able in this season of new life and renewed hope.
In the new life of the resurrection,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena K. Hwang
March 19, 2021
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We are so excited about the opportunity to begin to worship together in person, beginning on Easter Sunday, April 4, at 8:45 and 11:15 am. The pandemic has been a hardship for us, as individuals and as a community, but God is bringing us through it! We look forward to seeing everyone in person, as soon as possible, and renewing our relationships.
So that we can get a sense of your plans, please respond to the Survey Monkey at the end of this letter.
To be as covid cautious as possible, the session has rented a 40’ x 60’ tent to be set up in the parking lot near the Fellowship Hall for our worship gatherings for the month of April. Since we know that some members will not feel comfortable gathering in April, the services will continue to appear online, with audio and video, using the same link that we have been using throughout the pandemic:
In these April services, the focus will be on gathering as a congregation and reconnecting. The services will include music and other traditional elements of worship, but they will be quite simple. We will be able to restore our services to their fullness and complexity over time. For now, let us simply enjoy one another!
To prepare you for these services, we want to let you know about some adjustments made for your safety:
We will need many hands to make this outdoor worship a success. If you have not already done so, please volunteer your support for setting up and putting away A/V equipment, chairs, and choir items through this SignUpGenius:
Also, we want to hear from all of you about your plans for likely attendance at Easter and other worship services outside, and also for worship in May, when we hope to be back in the Sanctuary. Please reply using this Survey Monkey:
We have missed seeing you, and we know that you have missed being together as a congregation.
With God’s help, we will be together soon!
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena K. Hwang
February 19, 2021
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
It is hard to believe we have endured this pandemic separation as a congregation for nearly a full year. We are grateful for the ways you adapted quickly to participate in worship services, various Christian Formation classes, and ministry meetings from the safety of your homes. We know that you miss being with this community and you are anxious to go back to “in person” worship in our beloved Sanctuary. The Worship Ministry and the Session are working diligently to make that possible sooner rather than later, while safeguarding your wellbeing.
In that effort, we want to inform you of a decision made by the session on Tuesday, February 16: We will continue to offer worship services online-only through April 2, 2021. After that date, we will offer gathered and online worship.
The Session has approved gathered Easter Services at 8:45 and 11:15 am on April 4, under a tent in the church parking lot. This will be a socially-distanced, mask-required in-person gathering. We will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with a sermon by Henry Brinton and music enhanced by a brass band. We will not hold the Lord’s Supper, although it is the first Sunday of the Month. Easter services will be made available on YouTube as well.
We will hold worship services under the tent for the entire month of April, as we prepare to regather in the sanctuary for our services, perhaps beginning in May.
Following is a detailed schedule for Sundays in February, March, and April:
Feb 21 (First Sunday in Lent). YouTube worship with a sermon by Yena Hwang at 8:45 am and 11:15 am. Kids Konnect gathering at 3 pm on the Glebe, followed by Vespers at 4 pm, joined by our Turkish Muslim friends - all ages are welcome!
Feb 28 (Second Sunday in Lent). YouTube worship with a sermon by Henry Brinton at 8:45 am and 11:15 am.
Mar 7 (Third Sunday in Lent). YouTube worship with a sermon by Yena Hwang at 8:45 am and 11:15 am, with the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Please prepare bread and juice to receive at home.
Mar 14 (Fourth Sunday in Lent). YouTube worship with a sermon by Henry Brinton at 8:45 am and 11:15 am.
Mar 21 (Fifth Sunday in Lent). YouTube Sermon in Music by Gretchen Kuhrmann, Grace Cho and Sanctuary Choir, at 8:45 am and 11:15 am.
Mar 28 (Palm/Passion Sunday). YouTube Palm Sunday Services, with a sermon by Henry Brinton, at 8:45 and 11:15 am.
Apr 1 (Maundy Thursday). YouTube Maundy Thursday Service at 7:30 pm, with the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Prepare bread and juice to receive at home. As mentioned above, we will not have Communion on Easter.
Apr 2 (Good Friday). YouTube Good Friday Service at 7:30 pm, with dramatic reading of the Crucifixion story.
Apr 4 (Easter Sunday). Gathered Easter Sunday Services at 8:45 and 11:15 am, under a tent in the church parking lot. Socially-distanced and masks required. Easter brass and a sermon by Henry Brinton. Also available on YouTube.
Apr 11 (Second Sunday of Easter). Gathered worship at 8:45 and 11:15 am, under a tent in the church parking lot. Socially-distanced and masks required. Sermon by Henry Brinton. Also available on YouTube. New Members Conference at 12:30 pm.
Apr 18 (Third Sunday of Easter). Gathered worship at 8:45 and 11:15 am, under a tent in the church parking lot. Socially-distanced and masks required. Sermon by Yena Hwang. Also available on YouTube.
Apr 25 (Celebrating Earth Day). Earth Day Worship at 8:45 and 11:15 am, under a tent in the church parking lot. Socially-distanced and mask required. Sermon by Henry Brinton and Godspeed to Yena Hwang as she begins sabbatical.
Also, there are two Lenten Small Group Discussions that will meet during the Lenten season to enhance our experience of Lent. Sheri Zimmerman will lead the group meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm and Yena will lead the group meeting on Wednesday daytime at 12:30 pm. If you like to join, the Wednesday group has openings, so contact Yena. We will be posting two Lenten Devotions per week on our website: during Lent, so please check our website weekly.
Have a meaningful Lent and we look forward to seeing you all in person soon.
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena K. Hwang
December 18, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We miss you! It is our hope you are staying well as we pass the nine-month mark of this pandemic. Although these are dark days, the light of Christ continues to shine so we wish you the very best as you celebrate Jesus' birth at Christmas. In this pastoral letter, we will list some of the ways that we can worship, learn and remain connected, even in these challenging times.
First, we want to inform you of a decision made by the session on Tuesday, December 15. After reflecting on the recent rise in coronavirus infections, the session decided for FPC to remain online for worship through the first two months of 2021. We will plan for a transition to in-person worship services in the sanctuary beginning in March 2021. We know how much everyone wants to see each other in person so if weather and other conditions permit there may be opportunities for outdoor gatherings for worship before March (see below for Christmas Eve opportunities).
When we do begin to gather, we will meet in-person for the 8:45 a.m. worship service only, as well as, live-stream this service. This service will be rebroadcast at the 11:15 a.m. time slot. We hope to be back together for two services by Easter Sunday. Initially, we will use recorded music, require masks and social distancing protocols will be in place. Although many will find this delay to be frustrating, we want everyone to remain safe as they participate in worship and other church activities.
Second, we want you to participate fully in the online and gathered activities that are planned for Christmas:
In addition to the online Christmas Eve service on YouTube, we will provide two, in-person outdoor service opportunities on Dec 24 at 4:30 pm and at 7:30 pm on the Glebe. The first service will be a masked, socially-distanced lessons and carols service featuring LIVE FARM ANIMALS alongside the Nativity Scene on the Glebe at 4:30 pm. Children can enter into the experience of Jesus being born among animals. The second service will also be a masked, socially-distanced lessons and carols service, featuring live brass and timpani music at 7:30 pm. The service will end with outdoor candle-lighting and singing of Silent Night. Please dress appropriately if you are joining us for these outdoor Christmas Eve services.
Thank you for the tremendous efforts that so many put into the feeding of the homeless during our hypothermia prevention week, under the leadership of Mary Wade and Sheri Zimmerman. And a big thanks to Ako Cromwell and Red's BBQ, which put on a fundraiser that collected over $2000 for this important work.
As always, we are grateful for the many ways that you support Christ's work at FPC in these challenging times.
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena K. Hwang
October 23, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We hope you are staying well as we continue to navigate this pandemic as individuals, as families, and as a congregation. Thank you for your commitment to the ministry and mission of the church, and your faithfulness to online worship and Christian Formation. We want to bring you up to date on a few important items:
As always, we are grateful for the many ways that you support Christ's work at FPC in these challenging times.
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena K. Hwang
September 18, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,Six months into this pandemic, we are figuring out together how to do worship, Christian formation, mission and various fellowship activities. The church continues to do ministry, even in a challenging time!
Since it is September, we will have the annual meeting of the congregation on Sunday, Sep 27, at 10 am, via Zoom. Please register for the meeting via this link: you do not have Zoom downloaded on your device, please make sure to do so prior to the meeting. If you need assistance, please contact Yena at to set up a time for her to walk through this with you. If you cannot attend via Zoom, you can also call in to the meeting -- please let Yena know and she will send the information with the Zoom invite. At this meeting, we will receive the annual report of the congregation, financial reports, and the budget for 2020-2021. We will also elect elders, deacons, a trustee and members of the nominating committee.
Thanks to the nominating committee for providing us with an outstanding slate:
Elders: Emily Van Durick, Terry Yee, David Semendinger, Isaac Bumgardner, Susan Mangin
Deacons: Judy Holloway, Chuck Monnig, Vasantha Rayman, Andrew Snyder, Dick Lessard, Zack Van Durick (youth)
Trustee: Jim Ashe
Nominating Committee:Elizabeth Fink
We still need 2-3 more people for next year's nominating committee and at least one more deacon. We can take nominations for both deacons and nominating committee from the floor. In preparation for the annual meeting of the congregation, please take a look at the financial reports and annual report on the church website:
This Sunday, Sep 20, we will have two opportunities for COVID-cautious fellowship: First, all are invited to wear masks and gather in a socially-distanced way on Sunday at 11:15 am, for an outdoor service of worship, a Celtic Pilgrimage. FPC traces its roots to Celtic Christianity, which was popular in Ireland, Scotland and Northern England in the Middle Ages. It influenced Catholic Christianity, and then Protestant denominations such as the Presbyterian Church. The cross in our Sanctuary and on the spire of our church is a Celtic Cross. For this Celtic Pilgrimage, we will walk around the grounds of FPC and focus on 12 Celtic Christian practices that we can make a part of our lives, along with Scripture passages for meditation. Henry and Tempest will lead the service, along with members of the confirmation class. The service will last one hour, and will not involve singing. Regular online audio and video services will be offered at 8:45 and 11:15 am.
Second, the Sunday Express families will be getting together on Sunday at 6:30 pm for an OUTDOOR FPC movie night! We're screening "Inside Out" and it's gonna be great. Please RSVP and if you decide at the last minute to join us, please do. RSVP to
Reminder that we will continue with online worship at 8:45 and 11:15 am through Sunday, Nov 22, the Sunday before the Thanksgiving holiday. We very much want to return to in-person worship, and hope to do this on Nov 29, which is the first Sunday of Advent. However, as always, your health and safety is most important to us in this decision, so we will continue to reassess the situation with attention to scientific data and the number of COVID-19 cases in our area.
On Sunday, Oct 4, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday, so please have your bread/juice elements ready and join us online. At that same service, we will mark a transition in the work being done by the Rev. Susan Wisseman at FPC. She is moving from Outreach Coordinator to Parish Associate, and we look forward to her ongoing ministry among us.
As always, we are grateful for the ways you support the mission and ministry of our church through this challenging time.
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena K. Hwang
Updated: August 28, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,We hope this letter finds you in good health as the summer heat loses its grip and the cooler breezes of the fall arrive.
As promised, we want to share with you the church schedule for the fall. The session has decided to continue with online-only worship through Sunday, Nov 22, the Sunday before the Thanksgiving holiday. We very much want to return to in-person worship, and hope to do this on Nov 29, which is the first Sunday of Advent. However, as always, your health and safety is most important to us in this decision, so we will continue to reassess the situation with attention to scientific data and the number of COVID-19 cases in our area.
Thank you to all who submitted responses to the Worship Ministry’s Reopening Survey.They were very helpful in our Session’s discerning process. The survey revealed that satisfaction with online worship is extremely high! 88 percent of survey respondents are either very or somewhat satisfied with online worship. Also, 48 percent are very unlikely to participate in worship in the Sanctuary this fall, and 59 percent of you will not feel comfortable returning to in-person worship until next spring or later. These responses from you, combined with the fact that our final pieces of equipment for live-streaming services have not arrived, led the session to make the decision to continue with online services up to Thanksgiving.
Even as our online worship and Christian Formation classes continue to help us feel connected, we also have scheduled gatherings on the Glebe to keep that connection going strong through socially distanced fellowship. Please join us for a monthly event sponsored by the Membership Connection Ministry called “Sundays on the Glebe.” The next one is scheduled for this Sunday, Aug 30, at 10 am. We will wear masks and practice social distancing for this and any other gatherings that happen in person.
On Sunday, Sep 6, we will celebrate Communion, so please have your bread/juice elements ready and join us online. You can even bake your own communion bread, as one Sunday Express family is doing! On Saturday, Sep 12, MCM will host “Guess Who’s Coming to Happy Hour?” at 5 pm via Zoom. On Sunday, Sep 13, we will have four children being baptized and being welcomed into our community of faith. Sep 13 is also the “Kick-off ” date for the new program year for the Sunday Express families and GRACE Youth families.
On Sunday, Sep 20, the September edition of “Sundays on the Glebe” fellowship will beat 10 am, followed by an outdoor in-person service of worship beginning at 11:15 am near the Memorial Garden and continuing around the church property. Both events will be socially-distanced and a marvelous opportunity to see each other face-to-face! Also on Sep 20: Kids Konnect, September edition, in the afternoon (Details TBA).
Finally, rounding out this busy month, we will hold our annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, Sep 27, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. If you do not have Zoom downloaded on your device, please make sure to do so prior to the congregational meeting. If you need assistance using Zoom, please contact Yena at to set up a time for her to walk through this with you. The Zoom link for the Congregational meeting will be sent out to you as we get closer to the date. If you cannot attend via Zoom, you can also call in to the meeting. Either way, please let Yena know and she will send the information with the Zoom invite next month. At this meeting, we will receive the annual report of the congregation, financial reports, and the budget for 2020–2021. We will also elect elders, deacons, a trustee and members of the nominating committee.
In response to questions we have received, we want you to know that the church’s Heating and Air Conditioning Replacement is going well (thank you, Tom MacDonald), but is moving slowly. The Kitchen Renovation will move forward when conditions allow. The Affordable Housing project is also moving ahead slowly, as our negotiations with the City of Fairfax continue.
Last but not least, we had to say good-bye to our part-time Office Assistant Kim Hart and her family this month, as Kim’s spouse Kristen found another job in the Virginia Beach area. The Staff Personnel and Administrative Ministry suggested an innovative staffing solution, which was to combine the Youth Director position with the Office Assistant position, making each a half-time position. This suggestion was offered to Tempest Brevard, our current Youth Director, who accepted the position. The Session approved this process and Tempest will begin her dual role as Youth Director and Office Assistant on Sep 1, 2020. As always, we are grateful for the ways you support the mission and ministry of our church through this difficult time. We miss you, look forward to seeing you in person, and are grateful for all the ways we are able to connect during this time of pandemic.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit who continues to supply us with hope, health and peace,
Yena K. Hwang and Henry G. Brinton
Updated: July 31, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We hope that you are staying well through this pandemic: Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. We have received some special gifts to help members with rent, mortgage payments, utilities, etc. If you have a need, we can provide confidential assistance. Please be in touch with one of us: or
As much as we want to gather physically for worship, we cannot do this until the danger of infection drops. According to The New York Times, more than 650 coronavirus cases have been linked to nearly 40 churches and religious events across the United States since the beginning of the pandemic, and many churches that reopened their buildings are now being forced to close their facilities again.
The FPC elders will meet on Tuesday, August 18, and talk about the church schedule for the fall. They want your input, so please take a minute to answer five short questions on this survey:
Please respond by Sunday, August 16, so that our elders can be informed by your preferences.
And now, an opportunity for creativity, open to children, youths and adults: "Help Us Design a Banner for This Moment and Beyond"
Fairfax Presbyterian Church stands on the conviction that all people have been made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27); we strive to embody the principle from the prophet Isaiah engraved on our sanctuary walls: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples" (Isaiah 56:7). We also recognize and acknowledge that not all people have been honored in this way throughout history, and that every generation is obliged to make this promise anew, for themselves and for the generations that follow.
In that spirit, the leaders of Fairfax Presbyterian Church are calling for submissions to a new creative effort - the design of a flag or banner that represents our shared commitment to combat systemic racism and other injustices suffered by Black Americans as well as other marginalized groups in our nation and community.
This creative endeavor to design a flag or banner is open to the children, youth and adults of FPC. The group will also joyfully accept submissions from outside the congregation. All are welcome to submit designs, regardless of religious affiliation, residency, age, or other criteria.
Submission Information:
Please make a submission to this important creative endeavor! We and the elders are excited about this opportunity, and look forward to seeing the banner that you design.
In hope, health and peace,
Yena K. Hwang and Henry G. Brinton
Updated: July 10, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We pray that this letter finds you in good health and spirit. We continue to create different opportunities to connect with members and engage in meaningful conversations through this period. It is not the same as seeing each other physically through worship and fellowship time, but we are grateful for the positive ways in which the congregation has responded to the challenges we face during this unprecedented period.
We want to inform you of some transitions that are happening in the FPC staff: Kim Hart, who has served as FPC Office Assistant, will be moving with her spouse Kristen Hart, to Virginia Beach, where Kristen found a new job. Kim will be able to serve in her current position until the end of August. Please take a moment to thank her for a job well done!
Susan Wisseman, who has served as Outreach Coordinator since June 2019, will not be continuing in this capacity as of July. The pandemic has made it very difficult for her to do her job, which requires a lot of physical engagement in the community. However, Susan will be staying with us as a Parish Associate and continue to support the ministry and mission at FPC.
We are thrilled and grateful to share the good news that we received a generous gift from the Dottie Cousineau estate that will enable us to complete our 2020 Vision goal of completing the HVAC replacement. Dottie loved FPC, and we are deeply grateful to her. We miss her smiling face in the choir, but through this gift her service continues.
Member Connections Ministry originally planned a “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” event in March, but due to our situation decided to alter the event to “Guess Who’s Coming to the Happy Hour” online. This will take place via Zoom on Saturday, July 11th, at 5:00 pm. We don’t know who will be there, but it will be fun! You can find the link on the internal FB page or by contacting
MCM is also planning a "Summer Sundays on the Glebe" event on two Sundays, July 26th and August 30th, at 10 am. Please bring your own chairs/blankets to sit on and bring food/drink of your choice if you would like refreshments. We want to be sure everyone is comfortable and is looking out for the health of themselves and other FPC members. In case of inclement weather, the events will be cancelled. If you have any questions, please contact MCM elder Tonia Anderson at
We are grateful for all your support and encouragement shared with us via emails, FB, messenger, etc., as we continue to minister through this time of pandemic. Know that we keep you in our prayers and ask that you continue to pray for us as well.
The financial impact of this pandemic has hit many individuals and families hard, and we want you to know that we have received some special gifts to help members with rent, mortgage payments, utilities, etc. If you have a need, we can provide some confidential assistance.
Stay well and please be in touch if you have questions, concerns, or a need for assistance: or
In hope, health and peace,
Yena K. Hwang and Henry G. Brinton
Updated: June 19, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We hope you are staying well as our region slowly reopens in this time of pandemic. In our last pastoral letter, we promised to inform you of steps we are taking toward gathering for worship once again. We have learned that National Capital Presbytery is recommending that churches not rush into returning to in-person worship services. In addition, health officials recommend that we wear masks, avoid singing, and practice social distancing while the coronavirus is still active.
Our session ministries discussed the state of the pandemic in their regularly scheduled meetings, and the Worship Ministry made the recommendation that we delay in-person worship services in the sanctuary until at least Labor Day (September 7, 2020).
At the Stated Session Meeting on Tuesday, June 16, the elders discussed this recommendation and approved it unanimously. We will continue with taped and broadcast worship services through at least Labor Day.
We know that many of you are anxious to gather in the Sanctuary, while others are reluctant to gather because of health concerns. Be assured that the health and safety of every member of FPC is the top priority for all of us in leadership. Other churches in our region, including Vienna Presbyterian Church, will also be delaying the resumption of in-person worship until at least Labor Day.
Another consideration is the quality of the worship we can offer in a time of pandemic. While we pastors love the experience of seeing church members in person and preaching to a gathered congregation, we know that church members love to sing in worship. Sadly, this will not be possible for many months. So we feel that the music of our online services is a real benefit to staying online for now.
At the same time, we want to create opportunities for socially-distanced fellowship events over the summer, so that members can see each other. The Grads on the Glebe parade was such a joy for everyone who participated! Please stay tuned for opportunities to gather on the Glebe for worship and fellowship in the weeks and months ahead. We miss you and want to see you face-to-face, in a manner that is safe for everyone. Any opportunities will be announced on our church website,
Please continue to join us for audio and video online worship at 8:45 am and 11:15 am every Sunday at Thank you also for your continued financial support, which has come through the mail and through secure online giving. The Stewardship and Finance Ministry will send you a message about church finances very soon. As we enter a new Fiscal Year on July 1, we ask everyone to continue their support as they are able, preferably at the level of giving for the past year.
Stay well and please be in touch if you have questions, concerns, or a need for assistance: or
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena Hwang
Updated: June 5, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We have all been horrified by the picture of George Floyd, a handcuffed black man, pleading for air while a white police officer kneels on his neck. Floyd died during this encounter, leading to the arrest of the officer. The death has sparked protests over the excessive force so often directed by law enforcement toward black men in America.
Many of these demonstrations have been peaceful, in line with the nonviolent protests of the Civil Rights Movement, which leaders and members of FPC supported in the 1960s. A young black woman named Erika Atson was among the thousands of peaceful demonstrators who recently came together in Minneapolis to call for justice. She said she was worried about raising children who could be vulnerable in encounters with the police. “We don’t want to cause any damages,” she said. “We just want the police officer to be held accountable.”
Holding people accountable — that is so very important. We need to hold ourselves accountable and hold each other accountable as well. In particular, whites who abuse African-Americans need to be held accountable. Tragically, there is a long history of such violence in the United States.
At FPC, we hold each other accountable for being a "house of prayer for all peoples” (Isaiah 56:7). This means that we see all people as children of God, equally made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). We do not consider people of color to be less evolved than white people, which was a common understanding in the time of slavery and still persists today. We know that we cannot live in peace if some of us hold on to the idea of white supremacy.
The Wired Word class will be discussing this issue on Sunday at 10 am, and our worship at 8:45 am and 11:15 am will lift these recent events into the light of God's Word. Please participate online in these important opportunities for church members and guests.
We also want to inform you of the conversations that will be happening in the next few weeks about gathering for worship in the Sanctuary once again. Our session ministries will be discussing the state of the pandemic in their regularly scheduled meetings, and then the session will make a decision about gathered worship at its stated meeting on Tuesday, June 16. After that date, you will get an official update about our schedule, and any changes will be announced on our church website,
While we are anxious to gather for worship, we do not want to come back together in a way that endangers the health and well-being of the congregation and community. Because of the danger of the coronavirus, we have to make safety our top concern. For now, we will continue to offer audio and video online worship, and we will maintain our two-service schedule with worship at 8:45 am and 11:15 am every Sunday at We are maintaining this schedule because we believe that it will prepare us best for a return to in-person worship.
Stay well and please be in touch if we can assist you in any way: or
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena Hwang
Updated: May 15, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
Thank you for the faith and courage you are showing in this coronavirus pandemic. We hope that you have remained well, and that you have the supplies you need. As of today, we have been online-only as a congregation for two full months.
We are anxious to gather for worship in the Sanctuary once again, but we do not want to come back together in a way that endangers the health and well-being of the congregation and community. Because of the danger of the coronavirus, we have to make safety our top concern. We will not gather until local infection numbers fall for two or three weeks, and then we will announce the change on our church website,
Until then, we will continue to offer audio and video online worship, and we will maintain our two-service schedule with worship at 8:45 am and 11:15 am every Sunday (not switching to a single 9:30 am service on Memorial Day Weekend, as is our custom). We are maintaining this schedule because we believe that it will prepare us best for a return to in-person worship. Any gathering for worship over the next year will have to be socially-distanced, and two services will help us to accomplish this goal.
So, what will worship look and feel like when we do gather again? Sadly, it will be different, and we may feel grief over the changes. The Worship Ministry is working on developing a plan for services, but changes will probably include:
Other plans are being made by the Worship Ministry and session, and we will announce them well in advance of our first gathering, which will be mid-June at the earliest. Until then, please continue to worship every Sunday morning at 8:45 am or 11:15 am at
In spite of the challenges presented by the coronavirus, God is at work in our congregation in powerful ways. Members are connecting with one another, Christian Formation is happening online, and our community is being served through Hot Meals and our Little Free Pantries.
In addition, we want to invite everyone to get out of their house on Saturday, May 30, and drive to the church parking for a parade! The event will not require you to leave your car. So what is it all about?
Youth Director Tempest Brevard writes: Join us on May 30 at 3:00 pm for a CELEBRATORY PARADE for our graduating high school and college seniors. Come offer your support for our grads, in a socially distanced way but with big FPC spirit! Please begin lining up at 2:50 pm on Presbyterian Way; the parade will begin at 3 pm; drive up the circle toward the front of the church; honking, cheering, with signs, or noise makers all for our graduates. As you reach the larger end of the parking lot you can choose to exit by the first row, or choose the second row which will have a table setup for you to drop off a card, balloons, or a gift for a graduating senior.
We also want to share with you the results of the congregational survey prepared by outreach coordinator Susan Wisseman. The results were very encouraging, and show the vitality of our congregation at this difficult time.
In what ways are you engaging the FPC community?
Do you support FPC through financial giving?
Are you able to worship online?
Have you used the Little Free pantries?
The survey clearly reveals that FPC members are active in worship, staying connected through activities, supporting the church financially, and providing food to our hungry neighbors Until we meet face-to-face, keep up the good work and may God bless and keep you!
Please be in touch if we can assist you in any way: or
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena Hwang
Updated: April 23, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
In this time of coronavirus pandemic, we hope that you are staying well and that you have the supplies you need. The staff and deacons of FPC want to be of whatever assistance we can be. Don't hesitate to reach out by email if you have a need during this time of adherence to the governor's "Stay-at-Home Order." Although we need to stay apart, we are united by God's love, and the worship, ministry and mission of the church continues through online platforms.
Good things are happening at FPC despite the pandemic. We want to share some highlights and ask for your response to a survey.
Thank you for continuing to be members of the Body of Christ during this stressful time. As our elders noted in their session meeting on Tuesday night, "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit … For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ." (1 Corinthians 12:4, 12). We could not do ministry and mission without you, the many members of the Body of Christ at FPC.
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena Hwang
Updated: April 10, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
Easter is coming, regardless of COVID-19! Although the governor's "Stay-at-Home Order" means we cannot gather as a community, FPC will continue to provide worship, ministry, and mission opportunities through available online platforms.
1. Worship on Easter, the Day of Resurrection, April 12, will be available online only through live-stream at 8:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., so that you can worship at home via your computer or smartphone. You can listen to audio or watch YouTube video through the FPC website:
2. Although our worship will have to be online only until the "Stay-at-Home Order" is lifted, we will celebrate the resurrection in glorious fashion on the first Sunday we are allowed to gather in the Sanctuary. Remember, in our Christian tradition, every Sunday is a "little Easter"!
3. In the meantime, please continue to support FPC's ministry and mission by mailing your gift to the church or through secure online giving: If you need assistance setting up the worship live-stream or using online giving, please contact Boyd Harrison at or Kim Hart at
4. In compliance with the governor's order, the FPC building continues to be closed until further notice. You can watch the FPC website for updates:
5. Updates on ministry and mission are found on the FPC website: Please consult it regularly and be aware that we will roll out a NEW website on April 15. Although it will look different, do not be alarmed and think that you have gone to the wrong site. It will reside at the same web address and be much more attractive and functional than our current site.
6. A full range of Christian Formation opportunities, for children through adults, is being offered online. Please consult the announcements in the Sunday bulletin on the website.
7. If you would like to talk with a pastor, please contact Henry Brinton at or Yena Hwang at Also, you can submit your “joys and concerns” at our website in the section. Fill out the form and Tom MacDonald will share them during our worship services.
We are working to keep our congregation connected and spiritually supported as we go through this crisis together. May you find inspiration in the Scriptures that will be at the heart of our Easter worship:
"While it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb" (John 20:1). Yes, these are dark times, but the tomb is empty!
"Mary stood weeping outside the tomb" (v. 11). Like Mary, we are filled with grief and anxiety, but God is working for new life.
"Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, 'I have seen the Lord!'" (v. 18). Our hope is that you will see the resurrected Christ as well -- maybe in some surprising places!
Know that we miss you and look forward to the day when we can gather in person!
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena Hwang
Updated: April 2, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We send you our love and support as we continue to face this COVID-19 threat together. As you know, the Virginia Governor’s “Temporary Stay-at-Home Order” was put into effect on March 30, and it will be in effect until June 10, 2020. Because we express our love of God through loving our neighbors, we will continue to do our part to promote public health by being in compliance with the Executive Order.
Although we cannot gather as a community, FPC will continue to provide worship, ministry, and mission opportunities through available online platforms.
1. Worship. FPC services will be available only online through live-stream at 8:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. on Sundays, so that you can worship at home via your computer or smartphone. If you have not already done so, please locate the live-stream option on the FPC website:
2. In addition, we will have live-stream Holy Week worship on Maundy Thursday, April 9, at 7:30 p.m. and on Good Friday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. For Maundy Thursday, please prepare a cup of juice (any kind) and a piece of bread, so that you can celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at home during the service.
3. Although our Easter Service on April 12 will have to be online, we will celebrate the resurrection in glorious fashion on the first Sunday we are allowed to gather in the Sanctuary. For now, Sunday, June 14 may be that first Sunday, but stay tuned for future updates. Remember, in our Christian tradition, every Sunday is a "little Easter"!
4. In the meanwhile, we ask that you continue to support FPC's ministry and mission by mailing your gift to the church or through a secure online giving: If you need assistance setting up the worship live- stream or online giving, please contact Boyd Harrison at or Kim Hart at
5. Building Closure. In compliance with the Executive Order, the FPC building continues to be closed until further notice. You can watch the FPC website for updates:
6. Continuity of ministry. Although we are in a quarantine situation with limited contact with others, you should not be isolated. It is important to stay connected with people. Please know that the pastors and elected leaders are reaching out to fellow members and neighbors through phone calls, texts, emails and video chats. Also, the following Christian Formation (CF) opportunities are available via video conferences like Google Meet or Zoom:
7. Mission to the community. "Little Free Pantries," installed on the front patio of the church, outside the building, are being used by our neighbors as needed. Thank you to all who have replenished the pantries with non-perishable food items. Please wipe down your donated items with disinfectant before placing them in the pantry. For larger food needs, our food closet can be available by appointments only at this time. Please email the pastors at the addresses below.
8. Pastoral Concerns. If you have questions or concerns, or if you would like to talk with a pastor, please contact Henry Brinton at or Yena Hwang at Other staff members such as office administrators Boyd and Kim will be available to serve you by appointment. Also, you can submit your “joys and concerns” at our website under the section. Fill out the form and Tom MacDonald will share those during our worship services. Although much of our work is being done remotely, we are all happy to respond by email or telephone, and to meet in small groups as needed.
Please know that we are praying for you and we are working to keep our congregation connected and spiritually supported as we go through this crisis together. We understand that this social distancing and quarantine time bring many challenges like possible isolation of our single/older members, financial insecurities due to job losses, and difficulties of juggling work and taking care of children who are home from school. We want to provide as much support as we can. We covet your prayers and support as we continue our work. Let us lift each other up with encouragement and prayers. “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). We miss you and we look forward to the day when we can gather in person to worship and fellowship!
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena Hwang
Updated: March 25, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We send you our love and support as we face this COVID-19 threat together. Please know that we are praying for you and are working to keep our congregation connected and spiritually supported as we go through these challenging days. Know that God continues to be "our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1).
FPC is continuing to take steps to ensure the health of our community, to slow the spread of the virus, and to advance our worship, ministry and mission. As of today, our plans are:
1. Worship. We will NOT gather in the Sanctuary for worship through the end of April. This is a response to the statewide ban on gatherings of more than ten people which began on March 24 and will last until April 23. Instead, FPC services will be available by live-stream at 8:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. on Sunday so that you can worship at home via your computer or smartphone. Thanks to the efforts of Tom MacDonald, these services include both audio and video. If you have not already done so, please locate the live-stream option on the FPC website: In addition, you can continue to support FPC's ministry and mission by mailing your gift to the church or through online giving: We will reassess and update our information as needed regarding further future services. Although our Easter Service on April 12 will have to be online, we will celebrate the resurrection in glorious fashion on the first Sunday we are allowed to gather in the Sanctuary. In our Christian tradition, every Sunday is a "little Easter"!
2. Building Closure. Our governor's recent executive order calls for "closure of all public access to recreational and entertainment businesses" for the period March 24 through April 23. While churches are not mentioned specifically, we want to abide by the spirit of this order and promote public health. As a result, the FPC building is now closed to all events and meetings until further notice. You can watch the FPC website for updates:
3. Continuity of Ministry. Although you are right to practice social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus, this is not the time to become isolated. Please continue to reach out to fellow members and neighbors through phone calls, texts, emails and video chats. Your deacons are making calls to church members, as are your pastors. Yena has been offering daily Facebook Live messages to Sunday Express families, Tempest has been gathering the youths online, Erin has been using her tech savvy to make it possible for rehearsals for the spring musical to continue every Sunday, FPC's Facebook group has been active with members sending messages, and Henry has been posting daily Bible studies (with a comments section for your thoughts) on Trusting that our lives are in God's hands, we will continue to be the body of Christ through all the days to come.
4. Mission to the Community. "Little Free Pantries" have been installed on the front patio of the church, outside the narthex. Hungry neighbors are coming by to pick up canned goods and other non-perishable food, and FPC members are replenishing the pantries as needed (please wipe down your donated items with disinfectant before placing them in the pantry). In addition, our food closet will be available by appointment. Please email the pastors at the addresses below.
5. Pastoral Concerns. If you have questions or concerns, or if you would like to talk with a pastor, please contact Henry Brinton at or Yena Hwang at Other staff members such as office administrators Boyd and Kim will be available to serve you by appointment. Although much of our work will be done remotely, we are all happy to respond by email or telephone, and to meet in small groups as needed.
6. Self-Quarantine Alert. Erin, Gretchen and Grace have continued to do a terrific job with the music of the church, and the last live performance of music was on Sunday, March 15. Yesterday, March 24, Grace learned that she tested positive for the coronavirus. If you last encountered Grace in our service of worship on Sunday, March 8, your 14 day period for self-quarantine has now passed. But if you met with her on Sunday, March 15, you are advised to self-quarantine through Sunday, March 29. Grace is sharing this information with the congregation out of a desire to do anything she can to help minimize the spread of the virus. You'll be happy to know that Grace and her family are recovering and are physically well.
We look forward to the day when we can gather together in person to worship and fellowship. In the meanwhile, know that you are not alone. Our God is the Strong One who sees us -- El Roi. Our God is the One who provides -- Jehovah Jireh. God is our Stone of Help -- Ebenezer. God is our Healer, Jehovah Rapha. God Immanuel, the One who is with us, bless you and keep you safe during this time of uncertainty. I
n hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena Hwang
Updated: March 17, 2020
Dear FPC Members and Friends,
We know that this is a stressful time for all of you, with the threat of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) forcing you to stay home from work and school, and self-quarantine. FPC wants to remain connected to you and provide the spiritual and social support that we all need as we face this crisis together. With God’s help, we will get through this!
FPC is responding by putting plans in place to ensure the health of our community and the continuation of our worship, ministry and mission. We want to care for ourselves and the wider community by taking steps that will slow the spread of the virus. As of today, our plans are:
1. Worship. We will NOT gather in the Sanctuary on the following Sundays: March 22 and March 29. Instead, FPC services will be available by live-stream at 8:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. on Sunday so that you can worship at home via your computer or smartphone. In advance of these services, take a minute to locate the live-stream option on the FPC website: The live-stream services will include prayers, scripture, sermons and music, since we all need the guidance and reassurance of worship during this stressful time. In addition, you can continue to support the mission and ministry of the church by mailing your gift to the church or through online giving: We will reassess and update our information as needed regarding future services, and post information online. For now, the Sermon in Music is moving to May 3 and Youth Sunday to May 17.
2. Building Closure. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have put our emergency health safety plan into place. Following the decision of Fairfax County Public Schools, FPC is now closed to all events and meetings until further notice. Watch the FPC website for updates:
3. Continuity of ministry. A public health crisis such as COVID-19 is an important time to be the church! Although church members are right to practice social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus, this is not the time to become isolated. Please continue to reach out to fellow members and neighbors through phone calls, texts, emails and video chats. Trusting that our lives are in God's hands, we will continue to worship God and serve our neighbors through all the days to come.
4. Mission to the community. We are installing "Little Free Pantries" on the front patio of the church, outside the narthex. Hungry neighbors are welcome to come by at any time and pick up canned goods and other non-perishable food. Thank you, outreach coordinator Susan Wisseman, for establishing these pantries! Church members are encouraged to add contributions to the pantries at any time — a nice “get out of the house” activity! In addition, our food closet will be available by appointment. Please email the pastors at the addresses below.
5. Contacts: If you have questions or concerns, or if you would like to talk with a pastor, please contact Henry Brinton at or Yena Hwang at Other staff members will be available to serve you by appointment. Although much of our work will be done remotely, we are all happy to respond by email or telephone, and to meet in small groups as needed.
We encourage you to take this unprecedented situation as a part of our Lenten journey towards the cross. While this situation brings financial and medical uncertainty and unrest, it is allowing us to experience a different kind of rest, an unexpected time to break from everyday busy-ness for ourselves and for the earth. The European Space Agency reported a dramatic decrease in nitrogen dioxide over northern Italy, where there has been a nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19. NASA images show similar reduction of pollution in China during their lockdown. We trust in God who is our Creator, Redeemer, Nurturer, Sustainer, and Provider. We trust God to guide us through this time with wisdom and grace.
In hope, health and peace,
Henry G. Brinton & Yena Hwang