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Henry Brinton, May 31 2022

Summer updates and Associate Pastor Nom. Com. candidates: May 31, 2022

Summer is here, but the mission and ministry of the church continues. Some highlights:

GLEBE SUNDAY is Sunday, June 5, 9:30 am. Worship will be in-person, out-of-doors, and available online as well. This annual worship in the beauty of God's creation will include the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and recognition of high school graduates.

A CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held on Sunday, June 5, 2022, immediately following the 9:30 am Glebe Sunday service of worship, for the purpose of electing an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee. The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary. If you would like to attend by zoom, please email me for a link: hgbrinton@gmail.com.

APNC Nominees:

The tenth and final member will be assigned by the National Capital Presbytery to assist and guide in this process.

CELEBRATION OF 2020 VISION CAPITAL CAMPAIGN SUCCESS.Come to worship on Sunday, June 12, 9:30 am, for a celebration of the success of our recently completed capital campaign. Yes, the pandemic extended the campaign, and we had some unexpected twists and turns, but we have achieved our goals due to your amazing generosity! Come hear a joyful review of all we have achieved together.

FINALLY, a big thanks to all who made worship on Sunday, May 22, such a celebration of life at FPC. Erin Sanzero, Bill Reidway, Ella Reidway, and the Sunday Express Children offered an inspiring children's musical, Apostles in Space. Bibles were presented to Third Graders and to children who missed their presentation during the pandemic. We also said Godspeed and Farewell to Tempest Brevard Strunge at the end of five years as our youth director and office assistant, and we honored both her and the children at a reception following worship.

Following Tempest's departure, our staff continues to evolve. Michelle Coon is now our full-time church administrator; Erin Sanzero has expanded her hours to assist me with worship leadership, youth work, and pastoral care; Gretchen Kuhrmann and Mickey Thomas Terry continue their excellent work with the music program; and we remain grateful to church office volunteer extraordinaire Abby Carlson.

Our church's new fiscal year begins July 1, and we need to hear from everyone as we plan our mission and ministry for the new year. To date, FPC has received 80 pledges totaling $382,390.08 for the 2022–2023 pledge drive. It is our hope to have every member of FPC make a pledge so that we can come together as the hands and feet of Jesus in the world today. As we continue this year’s Annual Stewardship Campaign, we have hope and confidence that we can count on your support again. You can pledge through our physical pledge cards, online through our website (fairfaxpresby.breezechms.com/form/2022-2023-pledge), or by contacting the church administrator.

With gratitude to each of you,

Henry G. Brinton

Written by

Henry Brinton


Previous Pastoral Letter: April 14, 2022
Next Contemplative worship survey, listening session, and communication covenant: July 15, 2022