January 9th was to mark the return to two worship services, at 8:45 and 11:15 AM, with a Christian Formation Education Hour at 10:00 AM between the two services. However, due to the fact that Covid cases are rising exponentially in Fairfax County and rising steadily in Fairfax City, the Session has authorized the following changes to the Sunday worship schedule and increased safety restrictions for the month of January 2022:
For Sundays, January 9, 16, 23, and 30, we will indeed switch to Education Hour at 10:00 AM and worship at 11:15 AM, as scheduled. Each 11:15 worship service will be live streamed as well. However, the 8:45 AM service was planned to be a new, in-person-only format of intimate, contemplative worship, and this is no longer wise under the current COVID-19 surge. Therefore, the 8:45 service has been postponed until February 6, 2022. For the month of January, worshipers will be required to wear masks at all times and to maintain social distancing between family groups, and there will be no congregational singing. The Sanctuary Choir will not offer music in worship until February 2022.
Session will reevaluate the ongoing Covid conditions in its Stated Meeting on January 18, 2022 and determine if the above changes will need to be extended into February.
We invite all who are comfortable to join us in-person at 10:00 AM for Christian Formation (check the bulletin for current offerings) and at 11:15 AM for worship. We will also continue to offer virtual worship at 11:15 AM; please feel free to worship from home via our online services. Visit the live-stream page of our website to find the audio stream and YouTube video stream.