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Annual Congregational Meeting and other fall events: September 18, 2020

Henry G. Brinton and Yena K. Hwang, September 18 2020

Dear FPC Members and Friends, Six months into this pandemic, we are figuring out together how to do worship, Christian formation, mission and various fellowship activities. The church continues to do ministry, even in a challenging time! Since it is September, we will have the annual meeting of the congregation on Sunday, Sep 27, at 10 am, via Zoom...

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Bible Study 24: Waiting

by Henry Brinton, September 17 2020

When have you needed God’s compassion? Movie quiz: Can you name the film released in 2004 that received three Academy Award nominations? Extremely bloody and violent, it did very well at the box office, grossing over $600 million worldwide. It remains the highest-grossing R-rated movie in history.

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Bible Study 23: Waiting

by Henry Brinton, September 14 2020

What change is God waiting for you to make in your life? As we watch and wait for what the future holds, we can be thankful that Jesus came into human life not to condemn us, but to save us. “Christ himself suffered on account of sins,” says Peter in his first letter. “He did this in order to bring you into the presence of God” (1 Peter 3:18).

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Bible Study 22: Waiting

by Henry Brinton, September 10 2020

What causes you to cry out to God for help? The writer of Psalm 86 was in a bad spot. “The arrogant rise up against me, God,” he said. “A gang of violent people want me dead” (Psalm 86:14). While I have never faced such violence myself, I have met young people in Honduras whose lives have been threatened by gangs.

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Bible Study 21: Waiting

by Henry Brinton, September 7 2020

When have you had to wait for God to act in your life? In the Bible, prophets are both truth-tellers and fortune-tellers. They speak the truth about the world and predict the consequences of the problems they see. Prophets include not only men such as Isaiah but women as well: The Book of Judges says that Deborah was both “a prophet” and “a leader...

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Bible Study 20: Waiting

by Henry Brinton, September 3 2020

How do you get yourself in shape for the return of Christ? A childhood friend who is now a Catholic priest met me at a restaurant to celebrate my 40th birthday. In the course of the dinner, he challenged me to run the Marine Corps Marathon. I had no experience as a runner, and the prospect of 26.2 miles was daunting, but I needed a midlife challe...

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Bible Study 19: Waiting

by Henry Brinton, August 31 2020

Where do you look for strength and security in the world today? The Book of Psalms challenges us to think hard about the source of our security. For years, we have trusted government to provide us with political security, law enforcement to provide us with community security, our medical system to provide us with health security, and our financia...

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Fall schedule announcement: August 28, 2020

Henry G. Brinton and Yena K. Hwang, August 28 2020

Dear FPC Members and Friends, We hope this letter finds you in good health as the summer heat loses its grip and the cooler breezes of the fall arrive. As promised, we want to share with you the church schedule for the fall. The session has decided to continue with online-only worship through Sunday, Nov 22, the Sunday before the Thanksgiving holid...

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Bible Study 18: Waiting

by Henry Brinton, August 27 2020

When have you taken time to work on a relationship? The word “righteous” has a bad reputation in our society, because it brings to mind people who are “self-righteous” or “holier-than-thou.” But in the world of the Bible, a person who is righteous is in right relationship with God and with their neighbors. They treat others fairly, in line with t...

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Bible Study 17: Waiting

by Henry Brinton, August 24 2020

What enables you to bear fruit for God? Psalm 92 is a song for the sabbath day, and is the only psalm assigned to a particular day of the week. Since I am a pastor who works on Sunday and takes his sabbath on Wednesday, reading this psalm on a weekday is perfect for me! The psalm begins by lifting up some of the distinctive activities of the day...

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