Rev. Kathleen Mulvihill

Parish Associate

Kathleen graduated from the College of Mount St. Joseph (now University of Mount St. Joseph) with a BSN RN, and has worked in hospital settings for over 45 years. Six months after joining the Bound Brook Presbyterian Church she received a call to ministry and graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary and was ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in 1997. She worked for the Somerset Chaplaincy to The Elderly for 4 years, then worked as a chaplain for Presbyterian Homes and Services in Senior Affordable Housing for 15 years. She joined the Somerset Chaplaincy Board and was the President of the Board for three years. After ordination she was a member of the Presbytery of New Brunswick and served two six year terms on the Committee of  Preparation for Ministry, (CPM). She also served as a Parish Associate for the Dayton Presbyterian Church for 13 years and eventually returning to the Bound Brook Church before moving to Virginia. While at BBPC she assisted in worship, did some preaching, and served as a nurse on several mission trips to Appalachia (ASP). She is a member of the National Capital Presbytery and currently a member of a small group addressing the issue of racism. She is married to Michael and has 4 daughters and 8 grandchildren.

Parish Associates are ordained ministers who attend FPC and provide additional pastoral care to FPC's members.