2025-2026 Generosity Campaign
“The Generosity Journey”
On January 5, our 2025-2026 Generosity Campaign, “The Generosity Journey,” kicked off with excitement. This eight-week sermon series invites us to grow in our generosity; to strengthen our muscles of giving together. Because just imagine how much more we can achieve, how many more people we can reach if – together – we grow our generosity even more.
Our pledge goal for this campaign is $590,000, which is a $40,000 increase over last year’s total pledges. By allowing us to better fund various ministries, this 7% increase in pledged giving will help us grow the membership and outreach of FPC in rewarding and impactful ways. For example, it will improve our outreach abilities through an updated website and communication means to reach more people. It allows us to host more fellowship events, essential for enriching current membership and attracting others. A 7% increase in pledged giving allows us to make repairs to our HVAC and plumbing systems to offer a more hospitable building space for members and other community users alike. It also enriches our worship experience – and new visitors’ or new potential members’ – experience through updated equipment. These possibilities are exciting and more importantly, they are possible.
Will you consider growing in your generosity to FPC alongside others so that, together, we can improve our outreach, grow our membership, and expand our mission? Indicating your commitments in advance helps the session and staff of FPC make an accurate and meaningful budget based on pledged giving. As you consider increasing your giving or beginning your generosity journey by pledging, you are joined by others who are doing the same. We can only accomplish this together.
To indicate your commitment, place your pledge cards in the offering tray during worship, return to the church office, or call the church office with your pledge. You may also pledge online. We invite pledges from February 2 to March 2. As you lean into the messages on Sundays, practice the Generosity Challenges given each week, and hear Generosity Testimonies from others, listen for God’s invitation to you in your own Generosity Journey.