Giving at FPC

At FPC, we give generously because God first gave generously to us. We believe generosity is a spiritual discipline worth cultivating in response to God’s unfailing generosity to us. We give confidently and generously, knowing the programs, worship, staffing, outreach, and resources of FPC tangibly impact lives in our community and beyond.

Manage Online Giving with Breeze

Breeze is a secure church directory and giving platform FPC uses for members to track, change, and review giving, connect with other members, and more. Your giving history and pledge information is visible and accessible only to you and to the church business manager.

To sign in or register:

If you are an FPC member, contact us and request to set up your Breeze account. You will be emailed an invitation to log in from an address ending in "", so be sure to check your spam mailbox if you don't see it.

What's my "church domain"?

When you log in to Breeze using the smart phone app, you will be asked for your "church domain" before you can enter your username and password. Our church domain is "fairfaxpresby".