Small Groups at FPC

Community is at the heart of Fairfax Presbyterian Church. Beyond Sunday morning worship, we have many opportunities to connect with one another, build relationships, and grow in life and faith alongside each other. Explore our current small groups offerings.

“Together” Small Group Series

These groups meet over the course of eight to twelve weeks twice a year. The current“Together” Small Group series runs March 1st to June 8th.

Hiking Group

National Parks Group

Young Adults Group

Sip & Savor Group

Board Game Group

Ongoing Groups

These groups meet year-round at FPC.

Basic Bible

We are studying the texts that are the basis of the Sunday sermon. All are welcome; no Bible experience required! Class is held in Room 110 and via Zoom on Fridays at 11:00 AM. Contact Henry for the Zoom link.

Men’s Breakfast

Our Presbyterian Men's meeting occurs on the first Saturday of the month with breakfast and a guest speaker. Check the bulletin for details about each month's offerings. Coffee and juice will be ready a little past 7:00, with breakfast ready for all at 8:00. Come early to meet (or help) our kitchen crew—many hands make work light. There's a nominal charge to cover the cost of our morning meals. The men host, but all are invited; bring a friend and join us! You can also join online, contact Mike Watson for the link.

Cycling Enthusiasts

FPC members who enjoy cycling participate in two big rides each year: one in the fall and one in the spring. Let's ride together!

Thursday Morning Book Group

We meet in the mornings on one Thursday per month in Room 110 and on Zoom. We typically read nonfiction; check the announcements for current selections. All are welcome to join the discussion!

Presbyterian Women

All women who attend FPC are Presbyterian Women and invited to join a women’s circle to find community!

The purposes of Presbyterian Women USA are:

  • to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,

  • to support the mission of the church worldwide,

  • to work for justice and peace, and

  • to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

Please join us for social time and Bible study using the PW Horizon Bible Study. Each of the four active circles is open to new members, who can come as they are able. There are also many events outside of regular circle meetings that are open to all. Reach out to Sarah Speer for information about any of our four circles.