Adult Ministry at FPC
Adult Ministry happens in a variety of ways at FPC, through different ministries, with different people.
Formation Classes
Small Groups
Volunteer & Leadership
Service & Mission
Christian Formation
Christian Formation takes place every Sunday at 9:15AM and in other periodic throughout the week. Current Christian Formation classes include:
This discussion-based class looks at current events through a Christian framework, invites different perspectives, and helps us navigate social issues informed by our faith.
Info: Sundays at 9:15AM in Room 110. In-person and online.
This prayer and fellowship group is designed to be an extended space for connecting meaningfully with one another and sharing prayers. It is a pop-in group that is open to all.
Info: Sundays at 9:15AM in Gathering Room. In-person only.
This engaging Sunday morning Bible study, led by Vincent Williams, begins Sunday, February 2 at 9:15AM. In this 6-week Bible Study, participants will wrestle with selections from Luke’s Gospel as they engage the big questions of life. We’ll read Luke for insights on birth and family, responsibility and vocation, wealth, poverty, and money, food and meals, and suffering and death. Participants will learn strategies for reading the Gospel to create meaning for their lives. We will attempt to answer questions such as “What is the Christian vision of the life well lived?” and “How might Christ’s teachings affect what we value in life?”
Participants should plan to dedicate approximately 1-2 hours each week to reading the scripture passages and supplemental learning materials. Pick up a printed booklet with the selections from Luke’s Gospel from Vincent or Emilee Williams. Email vincentwilliams02@gmail.com to express your interest. This class meets on Sundays during the Christian Formation hour (9:15 - 10:15 am) from February 2 through March 9th in the Multipurpose Room.
Click here to access the course page with more details.
This group is led by Senior Pastor Henry Brinton and studies the texts that are the basis of the Sunday sermon. All are welcome; no Bible experience required!
Info: Fridays at 11AM in Room 110. In-person and online. Contact henry@fairfaxpresby.com for Zoom link.
Small Groups
Small Groups are a vital way to connect with one another and God beyond Sunday mornings. Adult favorites include the Hiking Group, Cycling Enthusiasts, Sip & Savor, and more. All of our groups are intergenerational and a rich way to connect with fellow adults at FPC and younger members. For a full listing of our Small Groups, click here.
Volunteer & Leadership
One of the best ways adults can grow in their faith and connect with others is by using their gifts in leadership and volunteer spaces. Getting connected with a ministry is a great way to begin serving at FPC. In addition, there are many ways you can use your gifts at FPC.
Explore Leadership
Nursery Support
Confirmation Mentoring
Teach Sunday Express
Office Support
Safety Ministry
Usher & Greeter
Web Team
Mission & Service
Grow in your faith by getting connected with a mission or cause at FPC. Visit our Serve page to learn about missions and meaningful projects you can partner with today.