Fairfax FISH
FISH "For Immediate Sympathetic Help", is a volunteer, non-profit ecumenical outreach organization founded in 1967, which comprises 14 churches located in Fairfax County in the vicinity of Fairfax City, Virginia. FPC has been a partner church since the organization was founded. FISH provide funds and volunteers to serve the needy and elderly in the greater Fairfax City area of Fairfax County by assisting with life’s necessities. Requests for eligible neighbors needing assistance are passed on to FISH by the Office of Coordinated Services Planning "CSP" which is part of the Fairfax County Department of Human Services. Pastors from member churches may also make referrals. There are monetary limits for different categories of assistance based on available funds and FISH sets aside funds for clients outside of the FISH service area.
FPC provides financial support as well as time and goods. We are currently seeking a coordinator from FPC. We can always use substitutes and volunteer captains and drivers. Each volunteer serves 4 hours per month. FPC also houses the FISH clothing closet and one of the FISH food pantries, supported through FPC member food and financial donations. The clothing closet hours are every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 am to 12 noon and the first Saturday of each month from 9:30 am to 12 noon.
Contact: Heidi Whitesel Heidikw@comcast.com