Serving at the Crossroads

FPC has served as a mission partner with Serving at the Crossroads, providing regular financial support as well as in-country volunteer support. The founders of Serving at the Crossroads, which included Dr. Robert Sumner, father of FPC member Bobbi Hess, knew that the non-profit model of swooping into an under-served area and “fixing” everything wouldn’t work for long-term sustainability and improving quality of life. Therefore, to enable local people to help themselves, SATC embraced the philosophy of aid, inform, and empower as their model. As a result of their vision, the Manos Amigas Clinic was established and now faithfully serves the communities of Northwestern Honduras, providing medical, dental, vision, and wound care, as well as pharmaceuticals. Along with many other faith partners, FPC helps to provide the necessary equipment, medication, supplies, and healthcare specialists to care for those in the community who otherwise could not afford treatment.  Over the years, several FPC members have volunteered to serve onsite for week-long brigades to help the teams provide specialized care.

Contact: Bobbi Hess, FPC Serving at the Crossroads Coordinator