Arise Campus Ministry
At Arise, we hope to be a Christian Community where we love ALL, no buts included. We work primarily with George Mason students, but also have NOVA Community College students in our community. We encourage students to explore faith and discover grace. Rooted in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Episcopal, Presbyterian (USA), United Church of Christ, United Methodist traditions, and coming together to journey in their faith with individuals of many other backgrounds as well. Led by Rev. Andrew Ensz, the students ask questions about faith, connect with others, and find ways to live out of God’s unconditional love. Arise is a ministry of United College Ministries of Northern Virginia.
FPC supports the program with financial support as well as hosting college students who attend worship on Sundays, supporting a Fall food drive for the GMU Patriot Pantry and inviting church members to purchase items off their wish list.
Contact: Kirsten Sihlanick, FPC Arise Liaison