Preschool Classes

  • Pre-K Class


    Age Guidelines: 5 years by February 28, 2026

    Days: Monday–Friday

    Class size: 12

    Monthly Tuition 2025-2026 (deposit + nine payments): $525

  • 4's Classes


    Age Guidelines: 4 years by September 30, 2025

    Days: Monday–Friday

    Class size: 12

    Monthly Tuition 2025-2026 (deposit + nine payments): $525


    Young 4’s

    Age Guidelines: 4 years old by February 28, 2026

    Days: Monday–Friday

    Class size: 12

    Monthly Tuition 2025-2026 (deposit + nine payments): $525

  • 3's Classes


    Age Guidelines: 3 years by September 30, 2025

    Days: Monday–Friday

    Class size: 10

    Monthly Tuition 2025-2026 (deposit + nine payments): $525


    Young 3’s

    Age Guidelines: 3 years by February 28, 2026

    Days: Monday–Friday

    Class size: 10

    Monthly Tuition 2025-2026 (nine payments): $525

Before & After School Programs

  • 5-day Morning Care: This program runs Monday-Friday, 8:15 am - 9:30 am, following the preschool calendar.  Yearly tuition is $1,500  ($150 due at registration; the remainder paid in 9 equal installments*)

    Click to enroll in FPC Childcare

  • FPP offers a daily lunch program where children may stay an additional 45 minutes to eat lunch (packed from home) and play. Later Gators pricing ranges from $50/month (for 2 days/week) to $100/month (for 5 days/week). School days 12:30pm-1:15pm

  • 5-day Afternoon Care: This program runs Monday-Friday 1:15 pm - 3:15 pm, following the preschool calendar.  Yearly tuition is $2,500 ($250 due at registration; the remainder paid in 9 equal installments*)

    Click here to enroll in FPC Childcare

Curriculum Enrichment

Music and Movement

All of our preschool classes incorporate Music and Movement into weekly lesson plans.


All classes attend a monthly chapel session with Pastor Henry and/or Pastor Emilee of Fairfax Presbyterian Church. Chapel lessons focus on the “Fruit of the Spirit”: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The general nature of the lessons resonates with a wide range of people regardless of their specific faith or beliefs.

Special Guests

During the year, special guests come to FPP to present educational programs to the children. Past programs have included a visit from a local dentist, the Police Department, and area Firefighters, complete with a tour of their fire truck.

Special Events

Throughout the year, students participate in a variety of special events at FPP including Pajama Day, Spirit Week, Thanksgiving Pow Wow, Color Days, Family Sing-Alongs, and other programs that enrich our curriculum. The Preschool also holds an annual Back-to-School Playground Playdate where parents and students have the opportunity to meet and play with other preschool families.


All classes participate in monthly enrichment activities led by our Preschool Director. The interactive lessons focus on introducing the children to basic science, math, and engineering concepts.


Following the regular school year, FPP offers a two-week summer camp for all classes. Camp begins at 9:30 am and ends after lunch at 1:00 pm.

Special Services

Curb Service

FPP offers parents the option of either walking their children into the building or using Curb Service during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Curb Service allows parents to remain in their cars while an FPP staff member assists the children in exiting or entering the vehicle. Curb Service is optional and can be used at any time during the school year. Many parents find Curb Service to be especially helpful on inclement weather days or when a younger sibling is asleep in the car.


FPP offers childcare services for younger siblings of enrolled children when a parent is serving as a Parent Helper in the classroom. Nursery service is provided as needed for a nominal fee. FPP’s Nursery is a two-room suite stocked with cribs, activity tables, toys, books, and movies. If you are a Parent Helper and have a nursing infant, arrangements can be made for you to nurse your child during the school day.

Contact Us



(703) 273 - 4333

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-1:30pm,

except holidays.

June-August: limited hours


10723 Main Street

Fairfax, VA 22030